Why Change?

Why do we need change?

The government disintegrates whenever there is a disagreement. This is why we have had four wasteful and ineffective election campaigns in just under two years and another coming up in November of 2022, just a year later.

Citizens are forced to vote on the basis of who they do not want, versus who they think represents their interests.

That must change now!

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What do we want to change?


There is no responsibility among our elected Knesset members. They are responsible for their parties and nothing more. When adding a dimension of direct representation, voters become important.

Winning a Seat

A low blocking percentage means that many parties can win a seat, and as such, lengthy and extortionate negotiations, and debates and frictions in the plenum.

"King Makers"

Small parties should not have enough power to suspend Knesset activities for their own interests.


Fix the Threshold

The government has just lowered the blocking percentage, which could lead to even more parties. The proliferation of small parties increases the internal debates in the government and impairs its stability.

We propose to increase the blocking percentage. This move will ensure a reduction in the number of parties, or alternatively force the parties to form coalitions before, and not after, the elections. In this way we will be able to discover the main platform and values of the parties before dropping the envelope into the ballot box, rather than waiting for the ‘musical chairs game’ to take place afterwards.

In our ideal situation, for example, if the Green Party would win an election with 3% of the vote (but still not pass the blocking percentage) they will still win a seat in the Knesset if in a local vote 50% or more voted for them (note: this is how an independent MK can be elected).

While there are still many details that need to be closed, this mechanism will help prevent dozens of different parties, but at the same time will not silence the variety of existing voices.

Add Direct Representation

Adding an element of direct representation will result in the state being divided into constituencies based on demographics and geographic location, and each district will have at least one MK on its behalf. An MK who represents citizens in a particular area understands the local problems and is more accessible. Over 50% of the current MKs come from one area in the country. This is not an adequate representation of the population.

Winning a Constituency

Once there is an element of direct election, we suggest that there be another way to be elected to the Knesset. If a party member (or independent MK) wins a constituency by direct election, his party will win a relative number of seats, even if it has not passed the blocking percentage. This mechanism allows for two ways to win a seat: relative election or direct election.

Forming Coalitions Before the Election

We propose that coalitions (for example, the right-wing parties and the joint list in 2020) be formed before the date of elections, in order to put an end to tactical voting and positively influence policy. It will also reduce the recurring phenomenon of ‘King-Makers’, i.e. parties that represent a small percentage of citizens but hold the entire country hostage in order to get what they want.