Fair Vote

A grassroots organization in Israel
motivated to reform the electoral system and
make a FAIR VOTE.


It is time for change! We need to amend the voting process so our voices are represented in the Knesset


Working with government members, we hope to advocate for the voices of all Israelis


Our goal is to educate ALL Israelis to create more understanding of our government and how to get involved.

What’s wrong with our current system?

Coalitions made of too many parties means that the parties can’t adhere to the platform they represent, but rather what they are willing to give up to be in power (What we have dubbed “Kisa-ology”). The government dissolves every time there is a disagreement. And is why we had three expensive and unproductive elections in one year! Voters end up Tactical Voting- voting for who you do NOT want, rather than who you support. This is not a real change

What do we propose?

We need to reform the electoral system by ADDING a direct-voting element to increase accountability. Without connections, you have no way to meet or lobby your chevre knesset to enact federal change. These seat holders are only responsible to the party and not the people they are supposed to represent. This also means some people’s opinion (and vote) counts more because of their protexia, or direct relation to the seat holder.


By adding a direct representation based on geography and demography, each region will have a Member of Knesset representing it.


We advocate the creation of a mechanism that allows two different ways to enter the Knesset: the first is to pass the blocking percentage, and the second is to win at least one seat through direct regional election.


We propose that coalitions be formed before Election Day, in order to put an end to tactical voting and positively influence policy.


Representative balance We need representation based on a combination of plural (direct) representation and relative (party) representation, to ensure that our voices are heard.


Add your name to the list of Israelis who support election reform by signing our petition!

We are still waiting for our non-profit status, but can still greatly benefit from your dontion! We are a grassroots movement with no overhead and can use funds to hire professional website builders, translators, and organizers to make sure our mission doesn’t wait for the next election to make change! 

Do you speak multiple languages? Do you have a vast network of friends? Are you skilled in an area that can help us enact electoral reform? Contact us today and be apart of the movement!

Do you also have a passion for electoral reform and having your voice heard? Please consider contacting us to let us know if your are willing to help us run events, organize data, or be a partner in future events.